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Brownjohn Consulting

Recent Co author papers include:

    • Co author article in The Australian  19/6/23 / Islands Business July.  The need for minimum terms and conditions in Deep sea mining.
    • Co author report on “Investigating the value of fish aggregating device data to ocean and climate forecasts for fisheries” . Bureau of meteorology Australia  2022
    • “Quantifying drifting Fish Aggregating Device use by the world’s largest tuna fishery” ICES Journal of Marine Science 78(7) June 2021
    • FAO  – FAD gear marking  technical input and peer review.   2016
    • Co author  joint Global Fad working group, 5 reports ,  April   2017, Madrid
    • Peer review, WCPFC  PEW transhipment study. October  2019
    • Peer review MRAG study part 1 and 2  into FADs in WCPO,   2018
    • “Management and mitigation of drifting FAD fishing in the world largest tuna purse seine fishery,”  Indo-Pacifique Fishery conference,  Tahiti, October  2018
    • “Environmental versus operational drivers of drifting FAD beaching in the Western and
    • Central Pacific Ocean,”   Published in Nature. September   2019.   
    • “Covid-19 Protocols for Industry”,  August 2020 and updated periodically- current  V5.2
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