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Brownjohn Consulting

Bycatch utilisation, Micro canning and Food Security

    Initiated late 2015, in RMI to address use of purse seine bycatch and the project continues today regionally.  Due to food safety, all training is to TAFE standard and  support for  small scale canning ventures provided  in the 8 PNA +1 nations looking primarily at utilising bycatch from purse seiners for domestic markets,  for  food security, and import replacement.

    2018/19 Ausaid sponsored developing manuals, training materials and food security studies with targeted training conducted in  Bougainville, Solomon islands, Tokelau, and Kiribati. Other training has been in RMI, PNG, Palau and Nauru. Each course was funded under Pacifical revenues, or  self-funded by participants, except for recent Ausaid support. Interest is now much broader with interest from many 3rd world island economies globally. Other work is also ongoing looking at using bycatch and processing wastes for fish and animal feeds. The product meets Australian standards as a “health food”, with up to 4 x the Omega oil content of regular canned tuna due to the “raw pack processing”

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