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Brownjohn Consulting

Sustainability, MSC and chain of custody

    Under PNA  led the initial MSC pre-assessment and successfully certified the Global first Purse seine tuna fishery for free school skipjack under MSC.  Led the defence of the original certificate in December 2011, and recertification / adding yellowfin in  2016,  and again defending in 2022. Due to the complexity of the fishery which is unlike any other with catch transhipped ungraded in the region, eligible and non eligible catch on board, and catch owned by industry whilst the certificate by NA nations led to a very comprehensive chain of custody (COC) and the MSC certified catch exclusively marketed under the  PACIFICAL JV, with a geographical indicator integral in up to 200 million cans annually displaying the indicator and MSC, and with significant revenues back to PNA Parties.  Due to the comprehensive COC from net to retail, it means unrivalled traceability for the product. 

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